Managed to finish 2 garbs the night before. They are not awesome, but they are functional.
Applied for sergeant and gallant. Gave Her Excellency a shield where I painted my scroll on. I tried to compromise persona with what was asked. 10th century Danes didn't make scrolls like you will find in later period. So couldn't really go with a fancy calligraphed scroll. The compromise is in the writing. I've use the Elder Fuþark to write it, but went with the modernized system where each English letter is associated with a rune.
I fought! Both tourneys! So yeah, I think I'm back in the game for real now. Fought in chainmale. Different!!! But I like it! And man was I glad to have padding!!!
I had a crew of awesome people keeping an eye out on The Berserker. It was great to be able to have so me time. To just me concentrate on my passion and be all mind in what I was doing. It's been months since that was possible. I'm spoiled by my friends.
I've had some stick time with my Knight. I have a few things on my plate that I'll work on at practice. Once my body decides to do what my mind wants to do, my game will become interesting.
I've finally met my Great-Grand-Father!! He's epic in so many ways. Can't wait to see him again.
Got lots and lots of hugs from my squire brother. Should last me until the next event.
I was dragged out of court!!!! AGAIN!!! I was simply showing the awesome gift my Knight gave me to Her Excellency of Lions Gate and two goons tried to kidnap me!! This won't end there. It's twice they've done this now.. Come this summer, I'll be drinking my mead out of a skull....
After I managed to fight my way back to court, I was called forward by Their Excellency of Seagirt was given a Narwhal. The Order of The Narwhal is to commend and recognize warriors for their skill, honour, armouring and teaching. I'm amazed by this. I'm in my third year of fighting, been master of stables for 17 months. Yes, I'm putting a lot of efforts in making practice happen, but I didn't think I was at a narwhal level. I love fighting. I love running practice. Fighting means a lot -A LOT- to me. It brought me to life. I like to share this amazing sport with others. It tests you, it test your limits. It teaches you things about yourself. It makes your mind stronger. It makes you doubt yourself but it also makes you believe in yourself. It builds self-confidence. You get to meet great people that turns into family. It brings people together. It makes you cry with frustration but also from happiness. It forces you to reach that much further. It clears your mind. It's empowering. Fighting made me a better person. It made me a stronger person. And I didn't even talk about the physical part!! We all have different reasons for doing what we do. Receiving recognition because you do what you love to do is pretty awesome.
Not too long after, the Prince and Princesses called me up! I was given an Étoile D'Argent. The Order of the Étoile D'Argent is given for art and sciences efforts done to further the Principality. Again, being recognized for doing something you love is pretty great! I started inkle weaving last year and tried my hand at card weaving a few months after. I did a couple. Got injured fighting, needed to keep busy, so I warped up. A lot. Next thing I know I'm selling trim. I'm seeing for step up garbs.. I'm learning more patterns, more techniques. I'm researching period techniques, period colours. I love it.
Had a nice meal, chatted with a couple of my favourite people during the feast.
Danced a few with a good friend.
Now home. Thinking that tomorrow is gunna be a very relax day. I pushed myself, in a good way. My body is tired, sore, stiff. But my head feels like I just woke up from a very restful sleep.
Now bed.